Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

New network on geometric mechanics emerges

A new network on “Applied Geometric Mechanics” has been formed linking research groups at Brunel, Imperial and Surrey.  Key themes are shape analysis, geometric quantum dynamics, geometric fluid mechanics, and geometric numerical integration.  The network has been started by a grant from the London Mathematical Society.  The principal organiser of the network is Cesare Tronci.

Surrey joins Southeast Mathematical Physics Network

The London Mathematical Society has funded a new network: the Southeast Mathematical Physics Network, which links Cambridge, City, Hertfordshire, Kent, KCL and Surrey.  The funding of £1.5K provides for three half-day workshops during the 2013-4 academic year.  The inaugural meeting is expected to be at Kent in November.  The Surrey node leader is Alessandro Torrielli.

LMS awards grants to Surrey mathematics

At the recent meeting of the programme committee, the London Mathematical Society awarded two grants to Surrey mathematics.  Jock McOrist has been awarded a £1.2K Scheme 4 grant for a Research-in-Pairs project.  The grant provides funding for a visit of Jock to Chicago to work with Professor Savdeep Sethi. A £1.5K Scheme 2 grant has […]

Aston attends UGPN Meeting in Brazil

Philip Aston attended a meeting of the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) at Ribeirao Preto, Brazil on 23-25 September 2013. The UGPN network consists of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, North Carolina State University (USA) and the University of Surrey. This was the sixth meeting of the network. During the Festival of Research, Philip […]

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