Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

IAS-MILES Conference on Mathematical modelling of DNA

  The 2-day conference “Mathematical modelling of the DNA damage response” takes place today and tomorrow (26-27 June) at the University of Surrey, organised by Philip Aston in collaboration with Lisiane Meira (Department of Biochemistry and Physiology) and Ruan Elliott (Department of Nutrition and Metabolism).  The conference is sponsored by the Surrey Institute for Advanced […]

Surrey team visits OWEL headquarters in Bristol

The Surrey team working on underpinning theory for ocean wave energy harvesting (Hamid Alemi Ardakani, Tom Bridges, and Matt Turner) visited the headquarters of OWEL (Offshore Wave Energy Limited) in Bristol on Friday 21 June.  The purpose of the meeting was to find out the latest developments at OWEL, and to update them on recent […]

Surrey team visits OWEL headquarters in Bristol

The Surrey team working on underpinning theory for ocean wave energy harvesting (Hamid Alemi Ardakani, Tom Bridges, and Matt Turner) visited the headquarters of OWEL (Offshore Wave Energy Limited) in Bristol on Friday 21 June.  The purpose of the meeting was to find out the latest developments at OWEL, and to update them on recent […]

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