Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Sara Pasquetti awarded Perimeter Fellowship

The first Emmy Noether Fellows, at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, have been announced.  Sara Pasquetti is one of two winners.  The Fellowships bring exceptional early career physicists to Perimeter for periods of three months to a year. They enable Fellows to pursue their research within Perimeter’s stimulating environment and to interact […]

Neville Boon passes PhD viva

Neville Boon passed his PhD viva today with flying colours.  The title of his thesis is “Discrete stochastic models of molecular motor stepping cycles“.  The external examiner was Matthew Turner (University of Warwick) and the internal examiner was Gianne Derks.  Neville’s project was supervised by Rebecca Hoyle and funded by EPSRC.

Philip Aston participates in Study Group

Philip Aston participated in the Mathematics in Medicine Study Group on 15-17 April in London (the UK MMSG NC3Rs Study Group 2013).  He worked on the project “Modelling heart rate changes in the mouse as a system of delayed, weakly coupled oscillators“.  Details of the research problem can be found here.  According to Philip, “it […]

Dave Lloyd attends BAMC 2013 in Leeds

Dave Lloyd is attending the British Applied Mathematics Colloquiuim 2013 held at the University of Leeds, which runs from 9-12 April.  On Wednesday 10 April he gave a talk on “Localised crime hotspots” in the minisymposium on “Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation in memory of Thomas Wagenknecht”.

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