Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Aston's paper chosen EPL highlight of 2012

Philip Aston’s paper “Is radioactive decay really exponential?” that was published in Europhysics Letters has been selected as one of the highlights of 2012. The highlights are a selection of 32 papers from over 800 published during 2012, and this paper is one of four selected in the category of Elementary Particles, Fields & Nuclear […]

Tronci visits the University of Alberta in Canada

Cesare Tronci visited the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, from 3rd to 15th March for research interaction with Professor Vakhtang Putkaradze in the Mathematics Department.  During the visit, Cesare gave a talk on Friday 8th March on “Geometry and symmetry in multi-physics models for magnetized plasmas“.  The abstract follows: modelling magnetized plasmas often requires […]

Petropoulos visits from Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Marios Petropoulos, an Associate Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Paris, visited the department for two days during the week of 11 March for research interaction with the Fields, Strings and Geometry Group, and to give a colloqiuium on the Friday.  The title of his colloqiuium was “Gravitational instantons, Ricci flows and modular forms“.  His webpage at […]

Aston visits Sao Paulo

At the end of February, Philip Aston visited Sao Paulo for the start of the UGPN funded collaboration between researchers at Sao Paulo, North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Surrey investigating mathematical modelling of hepatitis C infection. Hien Tran and Tom Banks from NCSU were also visiting and they had good discussions with Aluisio Segurado […]

Wulff's paper accepted in Proc Royal Society of Edinburgh

The paper “Stability under Galerkin truncation of A-stable Runge-Kutta semidiscretizations in time“, by Marcel Oliver and Claudia Wulff has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A: Mathematics. The paper considers semilinear evolution equations for which the linear part is normal and generates a strongly continuous semigroup and […]

UK launch of Norbury-Roulstone book

Wednesday 13 March is the date of the UK launch of the book “Invisible in the storm: the role of mathematics in understanding weather”.  The authors are John Norbury (Oxford) and Ian Roulstone, and the publisher is Princeton University Press.  It is the first book to recount the history, personalities, and ideas behind one of […]

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