Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bevan talk at Oxford in January

Jon Bevan will be giving a talk in the PDE seminar at Oxford on Monday 14th January on “N-covering stationary points and constrained variational problems”.  The talk will show how degree N maps of the form u_N(z) = frac{z^N}{|z|^{N-1}}} arise naturally as stationary points of functionals like the Dirichlet energy. Moreover it is shown that […]

Kristiansen visits from DTU Copenhagen

Kristian Kristiansen of the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen is visiting the department from 12-21 December.  His host is Claudia Wulff.  He gave a talk in the Geometric Mechanics Seminar on Wednesday 12th December on “Iterative methods for computing canards“.  Claudia and Kristian are working on a project to prove exponential asymptotic estimates of slow […]

Kristiansen visits from DTU Copenhagen

Kristian Kristiansen of the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen is visiting the department from 12-21 December.  His host is Claudia Wulff.  He gave a talk in the Geometric Mechanics Seminar on Wednesday 12th December on “Iterative methods for computing canards“.  Claudia and Kristian are working on a project to prove exponential asymptotic estimates of slow […]

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