Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Two papers of Imran Nasim accepted for presentation at SCML 2024 in Kyoto Japan

The first paper is “Learning Reduced Order Dynamics via Geometric Representations”, and co-authored by Imran and Melanie Webber (Harvard). The second paper is “Using Neural Implicit Flow To Represent Latent Dynamics Of Canonical Systems”, co-authored by Imran and Joao Lucas De Sousa Almeida (IBM). Imran is an AI Engineer at IBM (web page) and Visiting […]

Paper of Anne Skeldon and Thalia Rodriguez Garcia published in PLOS Computational Biology

The paper “Method to determine whether sleep phenotypes are driven by endogenous circadian rhythms or environmental light by combining longitudinal data and personalised mathematical models“, co-authored by Anne Skeldon, Thalia Rodriguez Garcia, Sean Cleator, Ciro Della Monica (SSRC, Surrey), Kiran K G Ravindran (SSRC, Surrey), Victoria Revell (SSRC, Surrey), and Derk-Jan Dijk (SSRC, Surrey), has […]

Polina Vytnova speaks in the Dynamical Systems Seminar at Imperial College London

Polina Vytnova is visiting Imperial College London today (Tuesday 30 January) to give a talk in the Dynamical Systems Seminar Series. The title is “Estimating the spectral radius of the transfer operator for an infinite IFS“. A popular approach to computing Hausdorff dimension of limit sets relies on the Ruelle-Bowen formula. It connects the Hausdorff […]

Robert Piel passes PhD confirmation

Congratulations to Robert Piel for passing his PhD confirmation examination! It was held on Monday 29 January and the examiners were Naratip Santitissadeekorn and Matt Turner. The title of his project is “Adaptive, Structure-preserving Finite Elements through Subdivision“. His project is supervised by Werner Bauer and his second supervisor is Cesare Tronci.The image below shows a screenshot of the beginning of Section 4.3 of […]

Paper of David Lloyd on dihedral rings of patterns from a Turing bifurcation to appear in Nonlinearity

The paper “Dihedral rings of patterns emerging from a Turing bifurcation“, co-authored by Dan Hill (Universität des Saarlandes), Jason Bramburger (Concordia University), and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in Nonlinearity. A final form preprint is on the arXiv (link here). The paper proves that approximate strongly interacting patterns can emerge in various ring-like […]

Tom Bridges writes Preface to newly published book on water wave modelling

The book “Variational approach to water wave modelling“, co-authored by Didier Clamond (Nice, France); Denys Dutykh (Kalifa, Saudia Arabia), and Dimitrios Mitsotakis (Victoria, New Zealand), has been published by the IAHR. It is a gold open access book and is freely available to researchers worldwide (link here). The book illustrates the advantage of using variational […]

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