Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

CERN Courier article on Aston's research

Last year, Aston published a paper called “Is radioactive decay really exponential?” (Euro Phys Lett 97 52001).  The paper questioned the almost universally accepted belief that radioactive decay is always exponential.  He considered various arguments that suggest that slowly decaying isotopes may decay non-exponentially, which is hard to verify experimentally due to the long timescales […]

James Grant appointed to a Readership

James Grant has been appointed to a Readership in Mathematics at the University of Surrey, starting 2nd January 2012.  James received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1993, supervised by Stephen Hawking.  Since then he has held postdoctoral positions at the University of Pittsburgh, University of Newcastle, University of Hull,  and the Universita […]

Turner-Bridges paper accepted to J. Fluid Mechanics

The article “Nonlinear energy transfer between fluid sloshing and vessel motion” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.  The article examines the dynamic coupling between a sloshing fluid and the motion of the vessel containing the fluid.  A nonlinear mechanism is identified which leads to an energy exchange between the vessel […]

Bevan talk at Oxford in January

Jon Bevan will be giving a talk in the PDE seminar at Oxford on Monday 14th January on “N-covering stationary points and constrained variational problems”.  The talk will show how degree N maps of the form u_N(z) = frac{z^N}{|z|^{N-1}}} arise naturally as stationary points of functionals like the Dirichlet energy. Moreover it is shown that […]

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