Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

SIAM nonlinear waves conference in Seattle

Gianne Derks, David Lloyd and Tom Bridges attended the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures held at the University of Washington in Seattle in June 2012.  Gianne Derks gave an invited minisymposium talk on “Viscosity-induced instability for Euler and averaged Euler equations in a circular domain“.  David Lloyd gave an invited minisymposium talk […]

Beth Herrera Sucarrat passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Elisabet Herrera Sucarrat who passed her PhD viva on Thursday 22 November.  Her thesis title is “The full problem of two and three bodies: application to asteroids and binaries“.  The external examiner was Apostolos Christou (Armagh Observatory) and the internal examiner was Stephen Gourley.  The project is supervised by Mark Roberts and Phil […]

Beth Herrera Sucarrat passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Elisabet Herrera Sucarrat who passed her PhD viva on Thursday 22 November.  Her thesis title is “The full problem of two and three bodies: application to asteroids and binaries“.  The external examiner was Apostolos Christou (Armagh Observatory) and the internal examiner was Stephen Gourley.  The project is supervised by Mark Roberts and Phil […]

Hydon appointed to LMS editorial board

Peter Hydon has been appointed to the editorial board of the “LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics“.  The aim of the LMS JCM is to publish internationally-leading papers addressing topics in computational pure and applied mathematics, including papers at the interface between mathematics and computer science.  The LMS JCM is an electronic-only open-access journal. The […]

Turner's paper appears in "Fuel"

The article `A breakup model for transient diesel fuel sprays’ was recently published in FUEL and examines a new approach to modelling how diesel jets breakup into droplets after injection into an internal combustion engine, as well as the shape of the spray produced. The model uses the results of hydrodynamic stability theory to define […]

Aston & Derks in MILES funded project

The project “Mathematical Modelling of HDL cholesterol in males and females” has been funded by the MILES programme in November.  Some background on the project follows.  Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world (WHO, 2009).  One of the many risk factors is low HDL cholesterol.  HDLs are a heterogenous group of […]