Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Polina Vytnova on estimation of Lyapunov exponents published in CMP

The paper “Accurate bounds on Lyapunov exponents for expanding maps of the interval“, co-authored by Mark Pollicott (Warwick) and Polina Vytnova, has been published open access (link here) in the Communcations in Mathematical Physics. The paper describes a simple but remarkably effective method for rigorously estimating Lyapunov exponents for expanding maps of the interval. The […]

Paper of Bin Cheng and Zisis Sakellaris on the rotating Navier-Stokes equations published in Nonlinearity

The 55-page paper “Near-resonance approximation of rotating Navier-Stokes equations“, co-authored by Bin Cheng and Zisis Sakellaris, has been published open access in the journal Nonlinearity (link to IOP website here). In the paper they formalise the concept of “near resonance” for the rotating Navier-Stokes equations, and prove that the family of proposed PDEs is globally […]

Paper of Tommaso Macrelli and Martin Wolf on loop-level color-kinematics duality published in Nuclear Physics B

The paper “Tree-level color-kinematics duality implies loop-level color-kinematics duality up to counterterms“, co-authored by Leron Borsten (Heriot-Watt), Hyungrok Kim (Heriot-Watt), Branislav Jurco (Charles University Prague), Tommaso Macrelli (Surrey and ETH Zurich), Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt), and Martin Wolf, has been published this week in Nuclear Physics B. The paper is published open access (link here). Color–kinematics […]

Leander Wyss passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Leander Wyss for passing his PhD viva today (Wednesday 15 March)! The examiners were Vidas Regelskis (Hertfordshire, external), Jan Gutowski (internal) and Ian Roulstone (chair).  The title of the thesis is “Strings and Spins in Deformed AdS/CFT“. Leander‘s supervisors were Juan Miguel Nieto Garcia (now at the University of Hamburg) and Alessandro Torrielli, with […]

Paper of Masanori Hanada and the Monte Carlo String/M-theory collaboration published in JHEP

The paper “Precision test of gauge/gravity duality in D0-brane matrix model at low temperature“, co-authored by Stratos Pateloudis (Regensburg), Georg Bergner (Jena), Masanori Hanada, Enrico Rinaldi (Michigan and RIKEN, Japan), Andreas Schäfer (Regensburg), Pavlos Vranas (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory), Hiromasa Watanabe (Kyoto), Norbert Bodendorfer (Regensburg), and the Monte Carlo String/M-theory collaboration, has been published in the […]

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