Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Carina Dunlop elected to the Advisory Committee of the SMB subgroup on Cell and Developmental Biology

The Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) is an international association with headquarters in the United States for the furtherance of joint scientific activities between the Mathematics and Biology research communities (wikipedia link here). Carina Dunlop has been elected to the Advisory Committee of the subgroup on Cell and Developmental Biology (link to SMB subgroups here). […]

Roberto D’Onofrio and Lewis Napper attend geometry programme at the Fields Institute in Canada

Roberto D’Onofrio and Lewis Napper are in Canada this week (3-7 October) visiting the Fields Institute (link here) to participate in the Workshop on Mathematical Relativity, Scalar Curvature and Synthetic Lorentzian Geometry (link here). Roberto is a PhD student of Ian Roulstone working on the Milano-Bicocco Dual Doctorate programme and Lewis is a PhD student […]

Tom Bridges participates in programme on nonlinear waves at Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge

This Autumn (12 September to 16 December), Tom Bridges is a long-term participant at the programme on “Dispersive Hydrodynamics“, hosted at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge. Dispersive hydrodynamics has emerged as a unified mathematical framework for the description of multiscale nonlinear wave phenomena in dispersive media, encompassing both dynamic and stochastic […]

Book on Financial Informatics edited by Dorje Brody and published by World Scientific

The book “Financial Informatics” was published this year by World Scientific (link here). It was edited by Dorje Brody, Lane Hughston (Goldsmiths University of London) and Andrea Macrina (University College London). The book presents the Brody-Hughston-Macrina approach to information-based asset pricing. The BHM approach introduces a new way of looking at the mechanisms determining price […]

Steve Falconer chairs a session and speaks at the SIAM Conference on Data Science in San Diego

Steve Falconer is in San Diego California this week for the SIAM Conference on the Mathematics of Data Science (link to the main webpage here). Steve chaired session CP3 on Dynamical Systems (link here) and gave a talk on “Combining dynamic mode decomposition with ensemble Kalman filtering for tracking and forecasting“. Steve is a PhD […]

Anne Skeldon speaks at the Congress of the European Sleep Research Society in Athens

This week (26-30 September), Anne Skeldon is attending the Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (link here, Scientific Programme | ESRS) in Athens with 2200 other people, including 8 from the University of Surrey (from Mathematics, the Surrey Sleep Research Centre, Psychology and CVSSP). Anne is running a session with Eva Winnebeck (formerly from Munich, now […]

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