Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Daniele Bielli and Martin Wolf on super non-Abelian T-duality published in Nuclear Physics B

The paper “Super non-Abelian T-duality“, co-authored by Daniele Bielle, Silvia Penati (Milano-Bicocca), Dmitri Sorokin (INFN, Padova), and Martin Wolf, has been published in Nuclear Physics B (open access, link here). Daniele is a PhD student on the Milano-Bicocca/Surrey dual doctorate, and Silvia is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey. The paper analyses […]

AGM Network meeting on the theme of geometric fluid dynamics held at Surrey

The Applied Geometric Mechanics Network, supported by the London Mathematical Society, and including teams from Edinburgh, Exeter, Imperial, and Surrey, is holding their second meeting of 2022 at the University of Surrey on Friday 22 July. The theme is Geometric Hydrodynamics: quantum and classical, and the local organiser is Cesare Tronci. The speakers include Mauro […]

Tom Bridges gives plenary lecture at dispersive hydrodynamics conference held at the Newton Institute Cambridge

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences is hosting a six-month programme on Dispersive Hydrodynamics, from July to December 2022 (link here). The opening conference was held this week (11-15 July) on “Modulation theory and dispersive shock waves“. Tom Bridges attended the event in person and gave one of the 5 plenary lectures, speaking on […]

Imran Usami passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Imran Usmani for passing his PhD viva today (Friday 8 July). The thesis title is “Parametric models of the circadian pacemaker in controlled lighting conditions“, and the examiners were Prof Victoria Booth (Michigan) and Prof Gianne Derks. Imran‘s supervisors are Prof Anne Skeldon and Prof Derk-Jan Dijk (Director, Surrey Sleep Research Centre). Figure […]

Paper of Cesare Tronci on hybrid quantum-classical wavefunctions accepted for PhysicaD

The paper “Evolution of hybrid quantum-classical wavefunctions“, co-authored by François Gay-Balmaz (Ecole Normale SupĂ©rieure, Paris) and Cesare Tronci, has been accepted for publication in Physica D. In the paper, a gauge-invariant wave equation for the dynamics of hybrid quantum-classical systems is formulated by combining the variational setting of Lagrangian paths in continuum theories with Koopman […]

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