Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Sergey Zelik visits Cambridge and gives a talk in the DAMTP Applied Mathematics Seminar

Sergey Zelik visited the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge today (2 November) and gave a talk in the Applied and Computational Analysis Seminar Series. The title of his talk was “Nonlinear localization and regularity of solutions of Brinkman-Forchheimer type equations.” In the talk, he discussed the regularity of Navier-Equations in 3D […]

Masanori Hanada translates and edits review article by Keitaro Nagata for Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics

The paper “Finite-density lattice QCD and sign problem: current status and open problems“, a 91-page review article by Dr Keitaro Nagata has been published in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics (link here). The article was originally written by Dr Nagata in 2019 in the Japanese language and he died before it could be finished. […]

Book of Masanori Hanada on Markov Chain Monte-Carlo methods published by Springer

The book “MCMC from Scratch, A Practical Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo“, co-authored by Masanori Hanada and So Matsuura (Keio University) has been published in 2022 by Springer (link here). It is an English translation of the original Japanese book published by Kodansha Scientific in 2020. The original Japanese version has already been rated […]

Anne Skeldon and the Surrey Sleep Research Centre awarded major grant by NIHR for research into brain technologies

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has awarded £35.4m to a consortium of universities led by the Oxford Health Research Centre (announcement here). Surrey’s involvement is led by Prof Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre, SSRC) and the team includes Dr Victoria Revell (SSRC), Prof Simon Archer (SSRC) and Prof Anne Skeldon […]

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