Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Paul Bergold published in Numerische Mathematik

The paper “An error bound for the time-sliced thawed Gaussian propagation method“, co-authored by Paul Bergold and Caroline Lasser (TU München) has been published online and open access this week (22 September) in Numerische Mathematik (publisher’s website here). The paper studies the time-sliced thawed Gaussian propagation method, which was recently proposed for solving the time-dependent […]

Naratip Santitissadeekorn speaks at a conference on big data at Oxford University

Naratip Santitissadeekorn is visiting the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University this week (20-21 September) for the “4th IMA Conference on The Mathematical Challenges of Big Data” (link to conference webpage here). Naratip is speaking at an afternoon session today (20 September) on “Sequential data assimilation for uncovering an influence network from Hawkes processes driven by […]

Kieran Boniface and Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn speak at ECMTB2022 in Heidelberg

Kieran Boniface and Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn are in Heidelberg Germany this week (19-23 September) for the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (conference webpage here). Kieran is speaking in Session Mathematikon A on “The roles of different modes of force generation in tissue engineering problems” and Josephine is speaking in Mathematikon B on “Working within […]

Project of Dorje Brody on signal detection and quantum dynamics in biology funded by EPSRC

The project “From signal detection to quantum dynamics in biology“, with Principal Investigator Dorje Brody, has been funded by the EPSRC small grants programme. The grant (EP/X019926/1, link here), with funding FEC £89,190, starts 1 January 2023 and runs for 12 months. The premise of the proposal is that all biological processes are generated by […]

Special issue of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering in honour of Stephen Gourley

The AIMS Press journal “Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering” is publishing a special issue in honour of Stephen Gourley, a highly-respected Professor of Mathematics at Surrey, who died in September 2020 (see university obituary here). The volume contains contributions of colleagues and collaborators of Stephen from around the world, and is edited by Stephen‘s collaborators Professor […]

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