Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Applied Geometric Mechanics Network funded by the London Mathematical Society

The London Mathematical Society has funded the Applied Geometric Mechanics Network for two years (2022-2023). It links Edinburgh, Exeter, Imperial, and Surrey. The PI is Hamid Alemi Ardakani (Exeter), and the node leaders are Jacques Vanneste (Edinburgh), Darryl Holm (Imperial), and Cesare Tronci. The grant funds four meetings, one at each node. Further details of […]

Paper of Claudia Wulff on equivariant dynamics of nematic liquid crystals published in ARMA

The paper “Existence and stability of kayaking orbits for nematic liquid crystals in simple shear flow“, co-authored by David Chillingworth (Southampton), M Gregory Forest (North Carolina), Reiner Lauterbach (Hamburg), and Claudia Wulff, has been published in the Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. A link to the (gold open access) electronic version of the paper […]

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