Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Dorje Brody and Cesare Tronci part of a team that has been awarded a $3M grant by the Templeton Foundation

The Templeton Foundation in the US has awarded a team, led by Professor Jim Al-Khalili and Dr Andrea Rocco in the Department of Physics, a grant of $3million for the project “Life on the Edge: quantum thermodynamics, quantum biology and the arrow of time“. Dorje Brody and Cesare Tronci are co-investigators. Cesare will be leading […]

Paper of Matt Turner on rotating flow to appear in Physical Review Fluids

The paper “Biorthogonal stretching of an elastic membrane beneath a uniformly rotating fluid“, co-authored by Matt Turner and Patrick Weidman (University of Colorado), has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. The paper identifies exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations when a stretching surface is placed below a uniformly rotating layer of fluid. Two […]

Anne Skeldon organising a virtual discussion meeting with the Surrey Sleep Centre this week

Anne Skeldon and Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre) are leading a virtual discussion meeting on “Multilevel Dynamics of Human and Animal Sleep: Mathematical Models Meet Data“, running from 12-19 July. It consists of a series of five separate hour-long discussion sessions featuring leading international experts in sleep and circadian rhythms, mathematical modelling and data […]

Paper of Masanori Hanada on simulation of superstring/M-theory on a quantum computer accepted in JHEP

The paper “Toward simulating Superstring/M-theory on a quantum computer“, co-authored by Hrant Gharibyan (Cal Tech), Masanori Hanada, Masazumi Honda (Kyoto University), and Junyu Liu (Cal Tech), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High Energy Physics. The paper presents a novel framework for simulating matrix models on a quantum computer. The prescription consists […]

Paper of Gianne Derks and Anne Skeldon published in Proceedings A of the Royal Society

The paper “Creation of discontinuities in circle maps“, co-authored by Gianne Derks, Paul Glendinning (Manchester), and Anne Skeldon, has been published this week in Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London (link here). Motivated by circle maps arising in biology, the paper studies the transitions in circle maps that occur near the creation of […]

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