Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Anna Kostianko and Sergey Zelik on attractors published in Mathematische Annalen

The paper “Reaction-diffusion systems with supercritical nonlinearities revisited“, co-authored by Anna Kostianko, Chunyou Sun (Lanzhou University), and Sergey Zelik, has been published (gold open access) in Mathematische Annalen (link here). The paper gives a comprehensive study of the properties of a class of reaction diffusion equations, including global existence and uniqueness of weak and strong […]

Cesare Tronci visits Marseille and gives the opening talk at the CIRM Conference on Kinetic Theory

Cesare Tronci is in Marseille, France, this week attending and giving a talk at the CIRM Conference on Kinetic Theory: Analysis, Computation, and Applications. The conference is being held at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques in Luminy on the Mediterranean coast. The conference is hybrid and Cesare is physically present and giving the opening […]

Dan Hill passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Dan Hill for passing his PhD viva on Thursday 10 June! Dan’s thesis is entitled “Existence of small amplitude localised patterns on the surface of a ferrofluid“. The External Examiner was Prof Björn Sandstede of Brown University (Providence) and the Internal was Tom Bridges. The project was supervised by Dave Lloyd and Matt […]

Naratip Santitissadeekorn and Stephen Falconer speak at the SIAM-IMA Student Conference at the University of Reading

This week (7-9 June) the SIAM-IMA Student Chapter Conference is being hosted by the University of Reading and broadcast virtually via zoom. Naratip Santitissadeekorn is the keynote speaker on Tuesday 8th June, speaking on “Uncertainty quantification for time-series of count data and influence network reconstruction“. Stephen Falconer is giving a contributed talk, on “Forecasting GP […]

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