Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Natalia Jurga and Ian Morris on Iterated Function Systems published in Nonlinearity

The paper “Analyticity of the affinity dimension for planar iterated function systems with matrices which preserve a cone“, co-authored by Natalia Jurga and Ian Morris, has been published in Nonlinearity (journal link here and arXiv link here). They prove that when the linear parts of the affinities which define the IFS are 2×2 matrices, which […]

Paper of Naratip Santitissadeekorn on “machine learning and dynamical systems” published in Physica D

The paper “Ensemble-based method for the inverse Frobenius–Perron operator problem: Data-driven global analysis from spatiotemporal “Movie” data“, co-authored by Naratip Santitissadeekorn and Erik Bollt (Clarkson University), has been published in Physica D (link here). It appears in a special issue on “Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems”. The paper’s ensemble-based approach improves the parameter inferences from […]

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