Accommodation In Guildford


Today I want to introduce some ways of searching for most new comers to the university you will most likely be looking at university managed accommodation. The housing system for on campus accommodation is separated into different bands. The link below shows the different bands of accommodation their price and what you get for each band. Personally I think that all new students should try and live n university managed houses as this is a very quick and easy way to start and getting to know new people.

Unfortunately it has become increasingly difficult for returning students to get on campus accommodation due to such a high demand for them and the university usually priorities first years. However, returning students can use the university of surrey lettings service which is a not for profit which was established in November 2016. The USL was created by the student union to provide advise and support for students renting off campus.


Other alternative include looking at online housing website such as right move or zoopla. These websites are usually where landlords and letting agencies advertise their properties. Also if students don’t want to live very far away from campus they can apply to live in the new Scape building, which is a 4-minute walk to campus.

Now lets talk about the most important thing when it comes to housing the Price. Generally Guildford tends to be expensive when it comes to housing when compared to other areas in the UK. If you want to stay in the most common band managed by university accommodation, band C or D, you will be paying anything between 400 and 600 a month. Off campus may sit with in this price range but usually tends to be more expensive as you will have to pay “bills” which basically means you need to pay for your water, electricity etc every month which tends to increase the price of your monthly rent.

My advice for anyone who is looking for housing whether it is university managed or off campus is to apply as soon as possible as this tends to be a very competitive area and the longer you wait the harder it will be to get housing that sits within you price range.
