I am in my final year of university and have spent an amazing 3 years here, learning the culture and enjoying what this town has to offer us. In January exam season was in full effect, with everyone knuckling down to study and do as well as possible in their midterms. With a much-needed break from revising, I visited the Odeon Cinema with my friends and watched Spiderman: No Way Home.
When I first went to the cinema, I noticed a stark difference between here and the UAE, ThEATre by Rhoades hasn’t quite arrived here yet!
Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed the cinema and noticed that some of the staff there were students which made for a pleasant surprise and interesting conversation. The movie was excellent and after we went for some Boba at Bubble CiTea and walked along the high street.

The atmosphere as the sun sets in Guildford is always that of a peaceful one, with a slow but steady pace in the town centre with friendly faces and beautiful views of the Surrey Hills, this is how I took my break from studying, and went back to my house to prepare for my upcoming exams.

Odeon usually has showings until about 10pm and can be a great late night visit.