The exam period is when every student wishes to delete from the academic calendar.😂😂
Each academic session culminates in an examination, and every student must learn to deal with and make the best of it. It’s not going to change. 😁
Hi there, this is your favourite pal Joan, and you’re welcome once again to my journal. In this article, I’ll be discussing how I managed this stressful period and the support we received as students from the University of Surrey.
As is always the case, exam periods are synonymous with stress, frustration, anxiety, sleepless nights, and loss of appetite, to mention but a few. These periods are notorious for their ability to transform even the ‘coolest of cucumbers into stress heads at the end of every semester.😊
In a time where you’re forced to juggle endless revision with lingering worries about your future, it might not be easy to stay calm. However, the incredible pressure that comes with exam periods can provide a positive challenge or be converted into relentless feelings of stress.
Because it was my final exam, the importance of being meticulous in my preparations cannot be overemphasized. The most stressful moment came during the time I was writing my dissertation. I had to apply for EC (Excruciating Circumstance), a deadline extension, and it gave me relief and a spur to finish.
I was simultaneously working on four modules comprising coursework and three online exams, each lasting for over four hours. Of course, I found some modules quite interesting, like Information Security Management, an online exam. Another module that stimulated my interest was Architectural Thinking for Security; it comprised a group and individual presentation and coursework of about thirty pages. The pressure I had to face during this exam period, coupled with managing my family affairs, contributed to why I haven’t written any blog in a while now. I’m happy this is all over. I’m now beginning to see a glimpse of light at the other side of the tunnel 😂.
To support students in relieving this negative tension, the university gave some practical tips to help keep each student level-headed during the exam period. Considering how the potent combination of endless revision, exhaustion, and adrenaline will normally turn cool-headed people into a bundle of nerves, students are admonished to make sure they reward themselves with breaks when working through bigger blocks of revision. (This helps a lot!) ) As mentioned in the blog about my first semester exams, please never skip breakfast. The importance of that first meal can never be overemphasized. Eat and drink as you go, and opt for healthy, nourishing foods and drinks rather than just junk.
For most students, however, eating in the early hours of the day poses a real challenge as it may be difficult (especially for those of us who make our meals) to rally around making meals when you’re anxious about what lies ahead.
Addressing that concern, the university provided us with breakfast (Tea, snacks, and sandwiches) at the hive during exam periods. While this may be seen as just breakfast, the thoughtfulness that governs this little act of kindness lets you know you’re never alone. The University of Surrey is focused on supporting students through various aspects, including mental health and wellbeing and is dedicated to life-changing education and research.
As stressful as the exam period was, the assistance we received from the university helped put us all at ease. The campuses are another antidote to stress and anxiety. I found relief whenever I walked around these beautiful landscapes and gardens. You all know how much I enjoy walking along the lakeside; it’s one thing that makes me feel relaxed whenever I’m stressed. Its beauty, serenity, and quietness leave me awestruck.
A good rest is another aspect that has a huge effect on me during tests and exam periods. It’s no secret that exercise is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body happy, especially during the exam period. Spending hours in your study chair looking at words and numbers can leave you feeling sluggish, so get out of your apartment and take a walk; this can refresh your mind and keep you motivated after a long session of revision. I try as much as possible to exercise every day, even if it’s just a short walk – you’ll find that walking in a nature-themed environment will help to ease any tension and uncertainty that you may be feeling. If, however, you prefer the gym, we got one just at Surrey Sports Park (Manor Park Campus)
Exam time is fraught with anxious thoughts about what the future holds. While your exams are no doubt very important, it’ll do you a great deal of good to have the perspective to realize that good marks are not the only pathway into your dream course. There’s always another way to get to where you want to be, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
My graduation ceremony comes up soon, but not to worry, I still have one final blog to write.
I’ll make sure I share every bit of fun and experience I have with you.
Until then, stay safe.