Surrey meets Nigeria

This blog covers the highs and lows of living life as a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey!

CVs, Interviews, and Everything In between

Hello people,  🤧… well, semester 2 is underway, and with it, the academic demands.  Acknowledging that, it is so expensive to live in the United Kingdom today, groceries (feeding), transportation and household bills are stacking up too. As an international student, it is necessary to spend wisely, so I had to find a part-time job […]

Networking Guide for International Students

Networking is one of the most highly valued skills in the current employment market. Do you know how networking can advance your career regardless of whether you’ve heard about it before? Some people ‌believe that networking is nothing more than exchanging business cards. Networking is about interacting with people and forming relationships. It boils down […]

African Food Online Stores.

Greetings to you all.  I hope you are all doing great! 🤗 We’re talking food today. I can honestly say that I had difficulties finding Nigerian groceries during my first year in Guildford, as I quickly exhausted the supplies I brought from Nigeria. And so, I had to experiment with every possible website and guess what I […]

New Year, Better Health

Happy New Year everyone 🥳🥳!!  We made it, regardless of whatever 2022 threw at us, I’m so happy to be here and thriving, as I’m sure we are all trying to do for this new year. I would like to share a few tips on how to make sure we get into better mental and physical […]

No loose guard o!!!🤧

Hello guys, 2 blogs in one day? You guys are lucky 😂😂. In my last post, I gave an insight on the non-academic aspect of moving from 9ja to the UK. It’s only fair I touch on a few thing on the flip side. The academic aspect. The most important. My best advice to anyone […]

Taming the Time Tyrant: A Guide to Mastering Time Management

“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.” – Mozart. Introduction Time. It’s the one thing we all wish we had more of, yet it slips through our fingers faster than a greased-up weasel. If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent countless hours procrastinating, only to realise […]

Embracing my Cultural Heritage: The Rich Tapestry of an Edo Man

Introduction As a proud Nigerian and an Edo man, I am blessed to be part of a vibrant culture steeped in history, tradition, and art. Nigeria, with its diverse ethnic groups, offers a unique tapestry of cultural experiences. Among these, the Edo culture stands out for its rich history, artistic achievements, and deeply rooted traditions. […]

From Distracted to Dedicated: Hacks to Stay Focused in University

“Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving towards your goal.” – LL Cool J University life is an exhilarating mix of newfound freedom, academic challenges, and social opportunities. But amidst all the excitement, staying focused on your studies can be a challenge. Here’s a guide to help you stay focused. 1. Set Clear […]

From Nigerian Heat to British Fog: Surviving and Thriving as a Nigerian Student at the University of Surrey

Studying abroad is a dream for many Nigerian students, and the University of Surrey offers a unique and enriching experience. As a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey, you will encounter a mix of academic challenges, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect and how to make […]

Relieving Stress at University: A Guide for University Students

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” – William James. University life can be a thrilling journey, filled with opportunities for personal and academic growth. However, it also comes with its share of stress and challenges. As a university student, managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining your […]

A Memorable Milestone: The Progression and Scholarship Ceremony

“Your life is an adventure. And the adventure ahead of you is a journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.” – Kerry Washington. On the 1st of November, 2023, the Austin Pierce Building at the University Campus was abuzz with anticipation and excitement. The International Study Centre hosted a significant event: the Progression and […]

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