“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” – King Solomon.

University is a transformative time, filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. One of the most important aspects of this journey is building friendships that can support and enrich your university life. While the idea of making friends seems daunting, especially in a new environment, here’s how you can turn those initial encounters into lasting connections.
Be Open and Approachable
The first step to making friends is simple: be open. Smile, make eye contact, and be willing to start or participate in conversations. Whether it’s in the lecture hall, library or campus, showing you are approachable makes it easier for others to connect with you.
Get Involved on Campus
Joining clubs, societies or sports teams is one of the best ways to meet like-minded people. These activities not only helps you to pursue your interests, but also creates a natural environment for forming friendships. Whether it’s an academic society, volunteering groups, sport clubs, involvement is key in expanding your social circle.
Embrace the Awkwardness
Making friends at the university can sometime feel awkward. The small talk, the initial uncertainty-these are all normal parts of the process. Remember, everyone is on the same boat, trying to find their tribe. Embrace the awkward moments; they often lead to comfortable and meaningful interactions.
Be Authentic
Authenticity is crucial in building lasting relationships. Be yourself and let others see who you really are. Share your passions, interests, and even your quirks. Authenticity attracts genuine connections, leading to lasting friendships that can stand the test of time.
Take Initiative
Don’t be afraid to take the first step. Invite classmates to grab coffee after lecture, organise a study group or suggest hangouts for a campus event. Taking initiative shows your commitment towards building connections and can often lead to deeper relationships.
Be Patient and Persistent
Building strong friendships does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if connections aren’t immediate. Keep engaging with people attending events, and being present. Over time, those initial connections can grow into solid friendships.
Balance Social Life with Academics
While it’s important to build friendships, remember to maintain your academic responsibilities. Prioritise your studies, but also make time to nurture your friendships that you’re building. Striking a balance ensures you get the most out of your academic and social life.
The Bottom Line
University friendships can be insane, rewarding, and sometimes brief. As people grow, and schedule’s change, so too can friendships. It’s a normal part of the university experience. Focus on cultivating meaning connections that add value to your life, and embrace the natural ebb and flow of these relationships. At university, making friends is about being open, genuine and patient. Embrace the journey, take the initiative, and you’ll build meaningful connections that could last beyond your university years.