Canadian Pride!

Hello Bonjour!

One thing that I’ve learned since being in the UK is that I am pretty patriotic. Not only am I a proud Canadian at heart and in spirit, but I’ve noticed that throughout the semester I’ve shown more and more pride through my clothes and merchandise. My cousin Gabrielle and I are pretty much brand ambassadors for Roots at this point without them even knowing, haha! Every time I head back home, I’ve found myself packing up more Canadian merchandise such as maple cookies, a mug with Canadian symbols on it, and, of course, Roots clothing. The point of my sharing this post really is to remind you to not forget to pack a few items that show your Canadian pride. I realize that I might be a bit excessive, hehe, but I am certain that you will want to hang a flag up in your room or have some home comfort like Tim Hortons instant coffee or a can of maple syrup with you. A great place to get a few items at home is Dollarama. I am so excited to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary this summer!

Well, if you’re ever looking for me on campus, just look out for some salt & pepper sweats, haha!
