Surrey Physics Blog

The blog about physics at the University of Surrey

Maintaining standards

It’s coursework deadline time in the Department. So this week I read and suggested corrections on a draft of a student’s report that is due in on Monday. One of my corrections was that the student should cite the source of a graph he had reproduced in one of the report’s figures. He had cited […]

Guest post of Justin Read: Hunting in the dark

Since its discovery by the Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky in the 1930’s, dark matter has continued to capture the public imagination. It raises the velocity of stars and gas in galaxies, bends light around massive galaxy clusters and promotes the growth of structure in the Universe. Recent results from the “bullet cluster” suggest that dark […]

The kilowatt hour

As I am wont to do, I listened to the 6:30pm Radio 4 comedy program this evening.  It was an enjoyable, and mostly erudite program called The Manifesto.  It featured a comedian asking audience members to come up with ideas of what they would suggest for a political manifesto if they were standing for election. […]

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