Surrey Physics Blog

The blog about physics at the University of Surrey

Quantum Computer Simulating Nuclei

A new paper has appeared today in the journal Quantum Machine Intelligence written by our PhD student Joe Gibbs (along with an internal PhD supervisor and external collaborator). The paper describes his work on developing algorithms for current and future quantum computers to simulate real physical systems. He took a simple model of the nucleus […]

The Joy of Science: On Sale!

If you are reading this blog post within a week of it being written, then get yourself over to the Princeton University Press Autumn Sale, where you will find 70% off Jim Al-Khalili’s The Joy of Science. A bargain even at full price, it can by yours for £3.90 (+ postage)

Sunrise on Campus

Thanks to the algorithms of social networks, I was reminded that I had taken a nice picture of campus ten years ago today. At that time I was living on campus as a warden in the student residences, and I took the very short walk in to my office quite early that morning as the […]

An MPhys Research Year in Virginia

I have just completed a trip to Jefferson Laboratory in Virginia, USA.  I came because we have a University of Surrey Physics student on placement at the lab as part of his Research Year, and I was visiting him.  All Surrey MPhys students on Physics programmes (“Physics” and “Physics with …”) have a compulsory Research […]

Dr Keeble

Today, James Keeble became Dr Keeble by passing his PhD viva. Congratulations, James! His thesis was on the use of machine learning techniques in understanding atomic nuclei, applying neural networks to build up the fundamental quantum mechanical quantity that describes microscopic systems: The wave function. A part of his thesis work has already been published […]

Congratulations, 2022 graduates!

Today was the graduation ceremony for our 2022 cohort of students. It’s the first time I’ve attended in person for a few years, thanks to pandemic restrictions. It was a hot day to dress up in academic dress, but I, along with a selection of other intrepid academics from Physics (and also the Electronic Engineering […]

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