Surrey Physics Blog

The blog about physics at the University of Surrey

Hello from Boston

This is the blog post partly written in Boston Common (a large park in the middle of Boston, USA). To prove it, the picture is of the Massachusetts State House, which is just north of Boston Common. As I write this a swan is gliding by on the lake in the park to the accompaniment […]

Quantum Fun at the Royal Society

Last week one of our research groups exhibited at the Royal Society Summer Science exhibition.  This exhibition runs from Tuesday to Sunday and is attended by thousands of school pupils and members of the public.  The stands cover a wide range of research from quantum physics (ours) to bats to invisibility (well timed with the […]

What is the point of sex?

If you think about it a bit, it should be obvious that sexual reproduction is a bad idea, in evolutionary terms, i.e., we should never have evolved to reproduce sexually. Consider two species: H. sapiens (i.e., us) and H. amazonius: a hypothetical species entirely of women who can give birth without sex. Now, if we […]

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