Surrey Physics Blog

The blog about physics at the University of Surrey

Scientific research by blog

As this is a blog, maybe a suitable topic for a post is doing scientific research, or slightly more accurately, reviewing scientific research, by blog. In December 2010, NASA-funded scientists published a paper in Science. In an article, a senior NASA administrator said “The definition of life has just expanded,”. The response in blogs of scientists […]

Unwinding DNA in Zurich

I was in Zurich last week, attending a workshop at ETH (= Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, the university Albert Einstein went to). I enjoyed it. It was quite a small conference, around 30 people, allowing for lots of informal chatting about people’s results and what are the outstanding problems.

A week in Glasgow

Universities have two basic roles: teaching and research.  These two activities are closely related.  For example, our research leads to an ability to teach cutting edge material to undergraduate students, and to supervise a research project in their final year of study.  As well as undergraduate students, we also have postgraduates studying for masters or […]

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