Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

Crying about Wolf: Media, Hysteria and Syria

An interesting debate has emerged on the political twitter-verse in the last 24 hours, out of the much discussed White House Correspondents dinner and the customary ‘roast’ provided this year by Michelle Wolf. Wolf has experienced significant backlash from both the conservative political establishment, as well as from senior Washington political correspondents for a speech […]

Article 50 infographics – updated to April

It’s been a quiet month in Brexit-land, because negotiators need holidays too. Hence, there’s been very little movement since the flurry in late March, and consequently not much to add to the graphics. To make up for that, and because I’ve now been doing these for over a year, I’ve made some summary charts of […]

Control in theory and practice

Two weeks away from all this Brexit stuff has been very pleasant, especially now the sun’s come out too. Naturally, part of me worries that everyone else has had a fortnight off, which is A Bad Thing when running a fixed-timetable negotiation, but there you go. To ease us all back into things let’s try […]

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