Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

What the #EUref campaigns say: 4 March 2016 – Does negative campaigning really work?

After last week’s big push online to try and control the presentation of David Cameron’s European Council deal and the subsequent launching of the hot phase of the referendum campaign, things have settled down this week in the EU referendum tweeter-sphere. We can see this in a number of areas. Firstly, last week’s big growth […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 26 Feb 2016

We are now in a new phase of campaigning, following David Cameron’s agreement at the European Council at the end of last week. This means that he and the rest of the Conservative party are no freed to campaign and the final pieces of the formal campaign can start to fall into place. The next […]

The second referendum

Is it really only a week since the European Council?* Since then we have had so much debate, about the settlement, about whether it’s legally binding, about Boris, about who’s a Remain-ian and who’s a Leaver, some more about Boris. Dave’s all pumped up and we’re all good to go. And yet I find myself thinking […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 19 Feb 2016 Negative campaigning and what groups talk about

Things are really getting going now amongst the various referendum campaign groups, as David Cameron meets his counterparts in Brussels to try to agree a final package, before heading to the polls. In this week’s analysis, we’re looking again at the social media output, trying to unpick what each group is talking about and how. […]

Final mile or country mile? Getting ready for the European Council

Just a brief post this morning, since we stand on the verge of the European Council that will sort out everything for the UK. Possibly. Or possibly not. As always, the capacity of the EU to make life even harder than it already it for itself should never be underestimated: despite no-one having a good […]

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