Doing a Masters at University of Surrey is everything except for easy. It is a really high standard university, therefore the amount of time required in order to get excellent grades in assignments is huge!
Often family members and friends ask me how I am able to manage all the things that I do. I feel surprised to answer that question because for me it became a normal routine. I have always had an easy routine back home nothing, compared to my days here. However, I always say that if you are able to plan ahead nothing is hard and impossible.
I am studying an Msc in International Event Management. When I applied, I would have never thought that the amount of work needed would be double my undergraduate degree.
As of today I couldn’t be happier to be here, studying what I love! This said, I have two part-time jobs, I play waterpolo, I am part of societies and I am course rep for my course… oh I was forgetting, I also have an active social life.
I work part-time at Hollister and as a student ambassador for the university, I train 3 days a week for water polo and I have the match on Sundays.
I go out sometimes during the week, when I don’t have a lecture on the day after and I usually study in between of work and sport, during the day, or during the night.
Being a course rep requires me to be available for students in order to address all course related issues. All these things are making my time here unforgettable.
I live in student accommodation and have made friends for life in my flat. Being a postgrad student is fun, you can enjoy once again the university experience with more maturity and responsibility.

My typical day begins at 8 in the morning with my alarm clock going on. I am lucky enough to not have a lecture every day and also early morning starts. However, things will not get done by themselves so early wake ups are important. Also waking up early makes you feel better, the sunrise is amazing.
Wednesday afternoons are free from lectures in order to allow students to play sports. This is because matches are usually on Wednesdays. However, not all the sports have the same schedule. If I don’t have a lecture in the morning, I usually work or study, have lunch with my flatmates and then go back to study or work and then training. Everyday some people from my course will text me with some problems related to the course and therefore I need to be available.

The university has a nightclub called Rubix, it allows students to come together and have fun every Wednesdays and Fridays – there are special parties. Wednesdays are for sports club and societies, all the members of those go together to have fun. Usually there is a theme each week in order to make it different every time!!

Some days I don’t have only these things, I might also have to manage exams, important meetings with guest speakers or lecturers, or attend events for the societies that I am in.
The most important thing is to be able to manage and organize your time in an efficient way in order to make the most out of it.
Not loosing time is my goal. I have only few months here. I want to make the most out of this experience, therefore, my days are full of things to do and to enjoy from.
London bound
With my friends we try to organise trips at least once per month in order to see different places around the area. We tend to go to London quite often because it is very close and there are so many things to do. This weekend we will go to Winter wonderland to have fun before exams!