Postgraduate life at Surrey

Discover more about what it's like to be a postgraduate student at Surrey.

The fun side of my new normal

I have to say I’m starting to enjoy my new normal. Here are some of the activities I enjoy doing in my free time to keep myself occupied: Running I’m running now to even out all that extra food I’m eating. I’m new to running and am trying to run a 5k and I’d say […]

The Crowdfunding Journey – Adapting to COVID-19

What is it, and who are we? As part of our digital project development module on the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management MSc course, we started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for Cherry Trees. Cherry Trees is a charity that offers exceptional home-from-home specialist respite for children and young adults aged 0-19 with a range […]

Online learning

Desperate times call for desperate measures! Indeed, this expression is believed to be coined by an ancient Greek physician where he mentioned that a suitable cure for extreme diseases can be ‘restriction’ (the irony). Global circumstances have restricted us from public experience, compelled us to immerse ourselves with various activities in our confined four walled […]

Why study Criminology at Surrey

According to the Guardian’s 2019 league table for Criminology, Surrey was ranked number one, but don’t just take the Guardian’s word for it. Although I did not undertake my undergraduate at Surrey, I am very lucky to be doing my Msc in Criminology (Cybercrime and Cybersecurity) at Surrey. This is just one of three Criminology […]

The education journey and why to adapt

More than Six months down the lane and feels like a day ago since I came to UK to pursue my masters. More months to go, but I have learnt and experienced so much. From frequent travelling to social gatherings to immense studying and project submissions, this experience has been incredible. I do not remember […]

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