Hello everyone! 🙂
The trip down to Vancouver Island from Vancouver terminal via a ferry is approximately 2 hours long! During the trip to the island, I was really lucky to have sighted 3 Killer Whales! Apparently, the tour guide told me that it was actually very lucky to be able to see them during this time of the year as they would only be travelling out when the water gets warmer! (Weather conditions have been crazy!)
The trip to Vancouver Island is a short day trip where we visiting the Mile Zero, Butchart Gardens and the Parliament Buildings!
The Mile Zero is actually an adopted starting point for the Trans-Canada Highway, which is one of the longest highway in the world spanning across 10 provinces in Canada.
Next we headed down to Butchart Gardens, which is an amazing sight! The flowers within the garden have been blooming for over 100 years and has been designated the National Historic Site of Canada!
There are various kinds of concepts found within Butchart – Italian, Japanese etc. 🙂 Definitely be back to see them again! Be sure to get a cone of icecream at the Italian gardens – they’re really good! 🙂
That night, I headed down to my cousin’s! The following day, I explored the nearby Elizabeth’s Park before going to Stanley Park to visit the Aquarium and the park itself! It was also my final day in Vancouver 🙁
It is pretty amazing how all of the parks I’ve visited – be it tourist attraction or not, are still so beautiful and well-kept! Not to forget – clean! Most of the areas in Vancouver prohibits smoking! Which is really good because it keeps Canada’s air really fresh 🙂
The Vancouver Aquarium is really informative and fun! Unlike the Aquariums/ Zoo in Singapore, there are always staff around to give you additional information about the aquatic animals. There are also shows almost every half an hour – feeding, information about their current situation and some are 4D films showed in the theatres! (The 4D films are really good!)
Thoroughly enjoyed myself in the Aquarium (i spent close to 6 hours there!) There is an open exhibition for the stingrays as well! You will have a chance to touch the stingrays! How cool is that? 🙂
Only managed to walk 3/4 of the park before i needed to leave for the airport 🙁 but the view has been spectacular!
You could see a very scenic view of Vancouver from the park! Oh did i mention… the sunset from downtown is really pretty as well! I just fell in love with the place… 🙂
On the other hand, England has the other beauty – rustic yet elegant! Flowers have been blooming everywhere, making this place even better as a whole to study. Just cant imgaine how life would be like when I am back in Singapore in just less than 3 months from now.. 🙁 Would really miss my tea and a good English weather just sitting by the meadows..
Till next time;