Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

Back for the Exams and Dealing with them

Hi Everyone, Ben is back… You must have wondered why I’ve gone completely silent ever since Christmas (or maybe you didn’t really miss my long blog posts). Well, I’m finally back out of my cave today because my exams have ended. (Yes, I’m know I’m blessed that all my exams are in the first week!) […]

Exams and The First Snowfall…

Hey Guys 🙂 Eggy here! It’s currently exam season and you can just tell from the eyebags and extra double shots of espresso coffee cups filling up the bins in the library, that it is that time of the year. So I’m gonna update you guys with a quick blog post on what has been […]

Winter Family Roadtrip & Happy New Year !

Happy Holidays Everyone and HAPPY New Year ! I cannot believe we are already in 2017, also known as the year that I’m graduating… and never gonna be a student again? What. time is passing so quickly so let me just get into the post. It’s been so amazing getting to see my family again, […]

A Taste of London’s Chinatown…

So What is London’s Chinatown Really like… What Should I expect? Is it just like the one in Singapore ? To answer your questions, it’s a mix of a Yes and No. Chinatown in London, unline Singapore’s does not have those stores selling souvenirs for you to buy home for loved ones! Instead, it’s located […]

ABACUS Potluck Event !

Hey Guys 🙂 I’m not sure if you guys remember about ABACUS society but it stands for “Association of British and Chinese University Students.” and is a society that I am currently helping to run by being on the committee as the social secretary. My role includes planning events and interacting with members and ensuring […]

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