Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

What is professional training placement? πŸ€”

Hi there! 😁 It’s currently week 8 and I just thought it will be nice to share my placement experience during this period where students are looking for jobs. Essentially, placements are internships but of a longer duration, typically between 6 to 12 months. They are a great opportunity for students to develop their professional, academic […]

Post-Mid Terms and Frisbee Practice

Hey There! Woah, it is currently week 7! Where has the weeks gone? The past two weeks has been my mid-terms. I had a total of 3 mid-terms, Human Resource Management, Business Finance and Financial Accounting 2. Each mid-term was weighted 30% of the module. 😣 My first paper was on Human Resource Management. It […]

Your new ambassador πŸ˜„

Hi everyone!!😁 I am Cheryl Nam, a final year student pursing a degree in International Tourism Management. Joining the existing team of ambassadors – Dwayne and Nicholas, I will be your new international student ambassador for Singapore. Through this platform I will be sharing my experience in Surrey, both academic related and the social aspect […]

My Summer Story

Hey everyone! Final year has just started and I’m already feeling the pressure as the workload is slowly piling up 😒 Leaving the stress behind for a moment, I would like to share what I was doing during the summer break. I was busying interning at JW Marriott South Beach Singapore as a housekeeping trainee […]

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