Win £2000
Sign up for the Santander Social Enterprise Challenge
This challenge is for teams of teams of 5 students at any level from any or mixed faculties but they MUST all be different nationalities and from at least THREE different continents e.g. Europe, Asia, Africa, America. The idea behind the challenge is to find and collaborate with new international contacts and set up your mini global network for life.
The Challenge will involve:
• Thinking up an idea for a social enterprise to help a charity (to be defined at the launch)
• Describing the concept or making a demo
• Explaining how it would work financially
• Making a pitch for the prize (why should your team get it?)
• Filming it all inside 3 minutes and putting it on YouTube
The best team will win £1000 and a further £1000 will be donated to the charity involved.
Wednesday 11 February: 5:30-7 pm, LTA: Drop in session with Entrepreneur-in-Residence to ask any questions about the Challenge or general enterprise-related matter.
Thursday 19 February: 6-73:30 pm, LTJ: Santander Social Enterprise Challenge launch
Wednesday 4 March: 6-7:30 pm, LTA: Santander Social Enterprise Challenge finals
To sign up email: