Your time at university will fly by, and so here are some of my top tips on how to make the most of your experience!
Join a sports club or society
Joining a sports club or society is a must at university! Whether you’re looking to try a new sport or carry on with one that you have always done, it is a great way to meet individuals who have similar interests to you. During your first week at uni, there will be freshers fayre and this is where you’ll be able to see all the different sports and societies that are available. There are also various volunteering societies. Sports and societies are normally really sociable too, most of the time they will hold regular weekly socials. These weekly socials are a great way to get to know people and form new friendships with people outside of your flat or course. It’s also a great opportunity to fit in some exercise!

Why not try a language course?
Have you always wanted to learn a new language? Or want to carry on a language alongside your degree? You’re in luck, many universities do in fact offer free language courses! I would really suggest making the most of the opportunity to learn a language, it will probably be the only chance you get to learn one completely for free. It’s not only a great way to challenge yourself that bit more but also a nice way to meet new people as well. I decided to learn Spanish in my second year and really liked doing something completely different from my main degree.

Get to know your flatmates
Moving into student accommodation is a really fun part of university life. It’s a good idea to bring a doorstop with you, this will mean you can keep your door open and let people know you’re around and wanting to socialise. Also, arranging to do things with your flatmates is a great way to get to know them, for example, arranging to go on a night out together or going for a meal, etc.
Explore the local area
Chances are you’ve moved to a new area for university, meaning you have a whole new town/city to explore! Getting to know the local area is a really good way to help you feel more settled and ‘at home’. It’s easy to get consumed by a ‘campus bubble’… I know I did, but actually venturing into the local area, trying some new cafes or pubs, etc can be a really nice way to get to know the local area. Guildford town centre is a short walk from Surrey campus, as are some pretty walks along the river. Going for walks around your new home and seeing what’s around can be a really good way to explore and get your bearings!

Placement year
Placement years are an amazing opportunity and experience. If you’re able to do one, I couldn’t recommend it more! You usually do a placement after your second year and then come back after for your final year. You can normally choose where to do a placement and it is essentially an opportunity to do a year in industry. Doing a placement year gives you so many amazing skills and means you have a whole year’s worth of work experience on your CV once you graduate.
Lastly, enjoy your university experience, push yourself out of your comfort zone and make the most out of all the opportunities!