Student life can simply refer to the everyday life of students… what they do, what they have to think about, and how they spend their time. This blog will go through some of the key aspects of student life starting with the importance of time management.

Time Management
Students have a lot to think about other than just their degree. Time management is one of the most important skills to develop as a student as it impacts everything you do. Everyone has different techniques and tips to help plan their time, see below for some ideas:
- Create to do lists (I find it easier to have lists on my phone, so I always have them with me)
- Use a calendar or diary to write everything down (I use Google Calendar where I have access to my university timetable, then fill in the hours around my lectures/tutorials with other commitments and independent study)
- Break up big tasks into smaller activities
- Prioritise tasks (think about what needs to be done first)
- Set realistic goals
- Reduce distractions
- Working environment (do you work better at home or on campus?)
Studying takes up a large proportion of students time. University students study in lots of different ways:
Timetabled studying
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Seminars
- Practicals
Independent studying
- Consolidating lecture notes
- Watching pre-recorded lectures
- Additional reading (text books, journals)
- Revision
- Assignments/coursework

Socialising is another key aspect of university, as university gives students the opportunity to meet so many different people! This could include going to Rubix, the universities on campus nightclub or movie/game nights held in the MySurrey Hive.
The University of Surrey has a number of societies available for students to join, from Film Soc to the Surrey Surf Club, there is something for everyone. To see more societies that the university offers, click here.
At university you also have to think about your food… where you’re going to buy your food, what you need etc. Most students at the University of Surrey go to Tesco or Lidl for their food shop. There are also several food and drink outlets on campus. Click here to read more about the food and drink outlets available.
Unfortunately as students we do have to do our own laundry… but with laundrettes on all three campus’ it makes it very easy! Circuit Laundry operates the laundrettes, where students can download an app which they upload money to. The app will notify students when their laundry is done. To read more, click here.
Taking time out is so important to ensure students achieve a work-life balance. This could be through socialising with friends or going to societies, but also visiting the local area of Guildford and day trips in London.
Part-time work
Lots of students also have part-time jobs to support their living costs. There are a variety of part-time work opportunities available at the university and the surrounding area. Click here to find out more.

There are several opportunities for volunteering at university, for any students interested. The University of Surrey has its own volunteering portal where lots of opportunities are advertised. For example, there are volunteering opportunities to be a Course Rep, or even on the committee of a society. Click here to visit the webpage.
Additional qualifications/opportunities
The University of Surrey offers a number of additional qualifications and programmes for students to get involved in, such as:
- Employability Award
- Global Graduate Award in languages
- Global Graduate Award in sustainability
- Sprint Programme: development programme for female undergraduate students

As you can see there are several aspects of student life that students are able to get involved in, but students don’t have to do them all (some are optional, like volunteering). It is important to achieve a balance to ensure studies are not affected but also so there is time to rest. To read other blogs written by current students at the University of Surrey, click here!