As the summer exam season is approaching, revision is in full swing. Everyone revises differently, and has different methods that work for them. Trying a variety of revision techniques will help you find the method that works for you. This blog will go through some general tips to help with your revision.

Make sure you have everything you need
Before starting some revision, make sure you have everything in the room with you. This will help stop you from leaving the room and getting distracted.
Use a revision timetable
Revision timetables can be really useful to ensure that you cover all the content prior to the exam. Tailor your timetable to spend longer on the topics that you find more challenging. Once you make your timetable, put it somewhere where you will always look… don’t hide it away.
Practice past paper questions
Past paper questions will help give you a realistic idea of what you could be asked in an exam. Practicing exam questions in timed exam conditions will help test what you know, help make you more comfortable in that situation and check to see if you can complete the paper in time. It is equally important to mark your exam paper afterwards to see what you’ve done well, and where you can improve.
Take breaks
Taking regular breaks will help ensure that you remain focused when you are revising. Try scheduling strict breaks into your revision timetable.

Break it down into small sections
A whole subject/module to revise can appear quite daunting. In your revision timetable break your subjects/modules into smaller bitesize chunks. Once you understand one section, move onto the next.
Set realistic goals
Every time you sit down to revise, set a goal of something you would like to achieve. Don’t over estimate what you can achieve, be realistic. Realistic goals will help keep you motivated, and will support you in moving forward with your revision.
Gradually refine your notes
When you first start revising a topic, it can seem like you need to write every detail down. As you progress, start reducing your notes so you just have a few bullet points to prompt your memory.
Limit distractions
It can be very tempting to check social media or reply to a quick message while you’re revising, but you may find yourself still looking at your phone a few hours later. Put your phone in another room or give it to a family member or friend to stop the temptation.
Don’t forget to sleep
If you’re tired, your revision could be less effective and it will be harder to stay motivated and remember information. Try to establish a good routine!

This blog has gone through revision tips to help with your exams! To read other blogs written by current students, click here!