Exam season can be a challenging time but you are not alone in feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed. Almost every student can relate to this and, although exam season is hard (no-one can deny that!), they are an important part of your academic journey and often give you an amazing sense of achievement once you have reached the other side. It’s so crucial to remember that you are not alone, whether you are a final year university student or doing your GCSE’s. So in this blog I’ll be giving you some of my favourite quick and easy top tips for exam season.
1. Planning
There are so many ways of planning your revision and organising your time so you are guaranteed to be able to find a technique that works for you. If you are like me and get overwhelmed with the amount of content or feeling like time is running out, planning can make your life so much easier! Having a schedule to stick to can prevent you from cramming last minute and also helps ensure you have plenty of revision breaks. I really like this timetable maker here.

2. Ask for help if you need it
This can be anyone from asking a friend to have a chat over a coffee, asking your lecturers or teachers about a specific concept you’re stuck on, asking our Centre for Wellbeing or speaking to a doctor for some professional advice. No concern is ever too small or insignificant, and sharing your worries can help you feel a lot better. Your wellbeing is always the top priority.
3. New revision techniques
During exam season, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of using the techniques that you have used over and over again even when you are not sure they are working. Whilst your tried and tested method may be best, it can be very rewarding to break outside your comfort zone and try something new! Ask your friends what strategies they use and be sure to follow us on our Student Instagram to see how different students revise. My favourite techniques are playing games such as Kahoot and Quizlet to test quick fire memory.

4. Exercise
It can be really hard to break yourself away from your desk but taking a break to get some fresh air, have a stretch and clear your mind will help both your wellbeing and your academic performance. Did you know at Hillside there is a smoothie bike? Would definitely recommend checking it out whilst you’re taking a break from the library!

And lastly, but definitely not least, remember that exams do not define you as a person. Be proud of yourself for how far you have come and remember that this is such a small part of your story.
I want to end this blog by wishing you the very best of luck in your upcoming exams! Be sure to follow our Student Instagram for more top tips and remember to access support if you need it over the next few weeks.