I did not know what to expect from being a J.P. Morgan Brand Ambassador, just the “on the tin” benefits: getting to know a top tier finance firm, a bit of extra pocket money and a bit of social media promotion. However, reflecting on the past year, it is fair to say that I have honestly been overwhelmed with how beneficial the experience has been for me – for all the reasons that are not on the tin.

From day one, I have felt that J.P. Morgan has invested in me and truly values my contribution to the firm’s graduate recruitment. Every trip to the office came invaluable seminars that will benefit my career beyond the role of Brand Ambassador. In addition, every employee at the firm made the brand ambassadors feel welcome and were more than happy to answer any questions we had about working there.
Spending extended periods at the firm and with the graduate recruitment team (when they came to visit Surrey) provides a real sense of the culture at J.P. Morgan is like. In addition, this “facetime” with J.P. Morgan puts you in the best position to apply to Summer Internships and Graduate Schemes. It isn’t easy to name one specific highlight because there are so many wonderfully ambitious and intelligent people that you meet along the way as a brand ambassador. Perhaps the best thing is that being a Brand Ambassador is also an incredibly flexible role.
Applications are now open for next year’s brand ambassadors, and you can apply via https://www.oncampuspromotions.co.uk/jpmorgan-ba-job.
Let me know if you have any questions about the role – I am more than happy to help!
Joao Miguel Rodrigues Pereira