Do you want to make friends, further your career, or stay fit? Check out Joao’s guide to clubs, societies and sporting facilities at Surrey University.
Yes, the university is about doing more academically and furthering your knowledge about your desired topic. However, the university is also about discovering yourself and your other interests. Surrey offers many clubs, and societies you can join that will allow you to do just that. For the people who prefer to train alone, Surrey has amazing facilities for that as well!
Likely, the first words that come to your mind when you think about Surrey students are “academic-driven”, “hard-working”, and “conscientious”. No wonder coursework and exams are certainly not a piece of cake, and without regular studying and a good deal of effort, none of us would have been able to get through. Still, even the most diligent and keen students agree there’s so much more to university than studying. The myriad of societies you can participate in makes it interesting and a lot more fun. They are so versatile that anyone is bound to find something for themselves, but don’t take my word for it – read on to find out some of the most unique and exciting societies at Surrey.

There’s something for everyone.
You can join academic clubs that relate to degree programmes and give you a chance to gain more experience in your desired career. There are also extracurricular clubs that will allow you to explore your creative side. There is a club for almost every type of student!
You can even start your own club.
If there isn’t a club you like, you can even start a new club if you have enough people interested. One advantage of joining a club is that you can gain experience that you can add to your CV. If you’re able to start a club or be involved in running a club (president or vice-president, etc.), this can count toward something called Employability Award. The Employability Award is formal recognition of your extracurricular activities, which will help employability in your future career.

Vegetarian Society
The vegan diet is taking the world by storm, and it’s easier and easier to find a good variety of plant-based restaurants and supermarkets all around the globe, with London no exception in this area. If you want to take your vegan or vegetarian experience to the next level, look no further than VegSoc. Expect vegan-themed events, visits to stylish plant-based restaurants and a weekly fix of mouth-watering recipes. But rest assured, everyone is welcome to join! Even if you’re not sure about giving up meat entirely, as long as you’re keen on exploring vegan cuisine, all the delicious events are open to you.
Film and cinema society
Although you can’t study film at Surrey, you can certainly grow your passion for cinema here. From the greatest masterpieces to the wackiest films, the range of styles, themes and genres you can explore at FilmSoc gives real food for thought. If you’re a film lover, you don’t want to miss out on this one!
Alternatively, Cinema society is a great way to keep up with the big movie premieres, where you can watch all the blockbusters on a big screen for a very low price and no need to travel out of campus. The biggest cinema fans won’t be disappointed to hear that there are movie marathons so you can enjoy your favourite films all night long.

Harry Potter Society
London is famous for its many historical landmarks, cultural sites and works of art, so it’s virtually impossible to choose the top attraction. Fortunately, Surrey students have the privilege of enjoying the city on a daily basis, so there’s no need to give up one place in favour of another. Fans of the beloved Harry Potter franchise are lucky to choose from multiple sites to visit: iconic Platform 9 ¾ at the King’s Cross station, the acclaimed “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” West End play or the famous Harry Potter tour. And Surrey is not staying behind either! The Harry Potter Society unites the fans of J.K. Rowling’s magical world among the college students so you can meet like-minded people and nurture your passion.
Being a part of society is an amazing experience that has given me a sense of belonging to the community and a space where I can unwind after a hard day. The only tricky part is that with over 350 societies on offer, deciding which society to join can be a challenge. But once you make up your mind and join one, you’ll be glad you did! Life-long memories are guaranteed.
Joao Miguel Rodrigues Pereira