Build your own career path, Kicking start placement plan

To all the confused second year and first year Taiwanese in Surrey. It’s me again, I hope you all settling well and having enough fun before coming back to university.

If you are still in your first year, congratulation, you are ahead of others for planning this earlier. Like what our parents always say (贏在起跑線). Even if you are second year, don’t worry, it is still not to late to start applying.

This article will cover what is placement, why is it important and how to start.

What is placement

Quoting from Surrey website “Placement is the professional training that gives you the opportunity to develop your professional, academic and personal potential, equipping you to be adaptable, resilient, globally minded, confident, entrepreneurial and digitally savvy in the workplace.” Which in short, making yourself more employable in the future from this placement experience. The length of placement varies from type of job and the contract but there is a minimum hour that is required by the University of Surrey. Generally, for job searching, the earlier you start the better. Most of people start applying in September, and the whole process can last till August next year but it might differ from the course so better to check again with your PT. 

Why is it important

It’s a good way for you to have an idea of what your future career path can be and gain understanding of what is it like to work in the UK also a good chance to put your study into practice. For those who are considering to stay in the UK after graduation, it is also a chance for you to build connection in the workplace and potential getting return offer from placement.

How to start

Now you decide to give it a try and see how it is actually like to be a professional and working in the UK. To search for job, I recommended using Surrey Pathfinder or Rate My Placement, LinkedIn and all the other job searching website. And same rules apply to application, the earlier the better. If you are not sure about your CV and how to prepare your interview and assessment, you can reach out to Employment and Career for CV check, quick query and all the career related appointments.

I hope this article gives you more idea of what is placement and how to take action to build your own career path. Wish you all good luck and I will see you in the next blog:)