Test and Control

Hello and welcome back to the update of the week! This is the second week since the UK government has released the lockdown restrictions and the gym, shops and restaurant started to re-open again. The weather has been amazing since the ease of lockdown, people start to come out and enjoy the sunshine with friends and family even more; and of course having a few drinks is a must under this weather for sure! One of my graduation creative projects is actually taking place this week by holding a live event, exciting and exhausting to be honest haha. I will definitely write another article about this as this is huge next time or anytime soon, so please keep an eye on my blog as usual. Refer to all these releases on the regulations, concerns on gathering and a “third wave” is potential.   


Remembered one of my posts was about my night out in Guilford and on campus. Wow, that is actually “years” ago since I started to think about it. Well, as the lockdown has released even though clubbing is still prohibit (shame🤪), you know people will came up with some different ideas just to enjoy a pint including Surrey. The Marquee built by the university has now become a studying place during the day and a semi-open bar after lockdown. That is also the place where one of my graduation projects, the song contest UniVision takes place at. 

還記得我在我之前的文章有分享過去在Guilford酒吧的經驗,現在想想真的是有夠久以前誒。不過因為開始慢慢解封了,雖然酒吧還是沒辦法營業,不過你也知道人們一定都會想出辦法喝個酒,當然也包括Surrey囉。”The Marquee” 是一個學校去年建的帳篷,而現在已經成為白天的讀書空間跟晚上的半開放酒吧。帳篷也是我的畢業專題節目UniVision舉辦的地方。

As a TV programme or a film production will always need a lot of crew members to make the magic work, in that case, during the current situation, rules are very important to make sure everyone is healthy and safe. All of the crew members are requested to wear masks, keeping social distance as strict as possible and the most important thing is everyone needs to be tested COVID negative to come to the set. Surrey offers an on-site testing venue at Surrey Sports Park with staff handing out test kits to everyone who booked the test. Apart from booking the test at sports park to get the COVID test result. The government also provides the home test kit for everyone who requested online, if you are a student in Surrey you can collect it directly from the car park next to the GSA building without any booking from 3-8pm during the weekdays. While there are several rehearsals happening almost everyday for UniVision, not everyone has time to go to the sports park before every rehearsal which I then got the rapid home kit from GSA car park. I have only done one test in the sports park and this is my first time getting the test kit myself, so I guess some people might be curious on how the home test works. So today I will be unboxing the home test kit in today’s article. 

First, I was given two boxes of home test kit which is provided by NHS

This is everything that is in the box including the instruction booklet, reagent, cotton stick and the result stick. I was quite surprised by the number of test sets they provided in one box. To be honest, unless you are doing the tests on a daily basis like working in the medical field, I think one box is definitely enough to last for ages for everyone. The booklet has listed out every detail step by step which is clear and easy to follow and the results come out really quickly in 30mins. 

Just like what I did in the sports park, the scary stamping process is done by myself. I guess for the most detailed test such as the one you have to do before taking a plane to another country, then the professional staff will do the stamping for you. Just to make sure I am doing it right for accurate results, I always put the stick as deep as I can until my tears come out haha.

Once the stamping has been completed, the reagent needs to be put into the tube for mixing. The cotton stick with all collected samples from the nose and the back of the mouth will be put into the tube to mix with the reagent. 

Then the liquid needs to be dropped onto the test paper to wait for the results. Obviously, it was negative or I don’t think I will be able to sit here writing all this information for everyone then!

Hello and welcome back to the update of the week! This is the second week since the UK government has released the lockdown restrictions and the gym, shops and restaurant started to re-open again. The weather has been amazing since the ease of lockdown, people start to come out and enjoy the sunshine with friends and family even more; and of course having a few drinks is a must under this weather for sure! One of my graduation creative projects is actually taking place this week by holding a live event, exciting and exhausting to be honest haha. I will definitely write another article about this as this is huge next time or anytime soon, so please keep an eye on my blog as usual. Refer to all these releases on the regulations, concerns on gathering and a “third wave” is potential.   


It was pretty cool as you can get tested quickly and easily by yourself at home and the amount of test kit also allows you to give out some of them to whoever you met or the one is needed. This rapid kit saves a lot of time and costs and also makes sure the filming environment is safe for us to carry on the project without COVID concern.

I hope today’s article did bring you something new to explore and take a look at how we handle health and safety as a crew or team in the film and TV industry. It is now close to the end of term, assignments and exams are coming up really quickly but I will try to update the blog as much as I can. Next time, I will introduce what are the options for an international student to switch to a Tier 4 student visa after graduation. It should be very very useful as it will be the latest 2021 version! So please stay tuned and come back next time!

Mandy xx