5 great ways to start the academic session…


It’s great to know that you’d soon be coming over. Beyond the welcome week activities which I hope you’re looking forward to as well as fun activities to be enjoyed on campus and in Guildford, I thought to share some great tips I feel might come in handy to make a success of this investment:

  1. Begin with the end in mind…

Think about graduation…it might look like it’s far away right? It would amaze you how time flies. What do you hope to graduate with? – A 1st class or 2nd class upper? What skills do you want to acquire? What companies do you hope to work for? A picture no matter how vague would keep you from straying off the path and would inform your every step from day 1.

Prepare very well for every assignment or test… Paste your desired grades on the wall…  Have some inspirational quotes or pictures that would keep you going – That’s a good place to start!

  1. Choose your friends carefully…

“A wise man associating with the vicious becomes an idiot, a dog traveling with good men becomes a rational being.” – An Arabic Proverb

To be a success at Uni (and in life), keep company with students who share your values, your desire to succeed and moves you towards your goals. Note that “Every relationship in your life is a current moving you towards your dreams or goals or away from them.”

Also learn to say a clear ‘NO’ in the face of pressure… It takes a lot of confidence and courage to do so but it would save you from unnecessary distractions and stress.

  1. Plan your time and finances…

For your time –  Everyone has 24 hours – mathematically that’s correct. Practically however, some people seem to be more endowed with greater time management skills than others. Time is the most important resource of the student and must be spent wisely. Make every moment count and do not procrastinate! Create your own assignment submission deadline before the actual one. Remember – ‘Soon’ is not a time, ‘Some’ is not a number.

For your Money – Have a weekly budget. You need to avoid spontaneous or impulsive buying and learn the joy and beauty of deferred or delayed gratification.’

  1. Always start the day with a to-do-list and tick out as you go along…

Break down your week’s or day’s task into manageable bits. Your to-do-list must take into account every class/lecture, lab. session, assignment or social event.

  1. Put God first and you’d come first

In all your planning, never forget to always acknowledge the ultimate giver of all capacities – your strength, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, retentive memory and success all comes from Him.

Till I come your way again…xxx