Department of Sociology

The blog of the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey

Queering Shelter in LGBT History Month

By PJ Annand The Queering Shelter project is running a series of LGBTQ+ creative workshops to explore the topic of queer shelter, offering hot vegan and vegetarian food, travel reimbursements and a £50 shopping voucher exhibition contributions. Find out more and reserve your place here. As we celebrate LGBT History Month, it’s a good time […]

Making Decisions About Smart Care

By Christine Hine New digital technologies offering “smart” monitoring of health and wellbeing at home have a lot to offer for those with care needs: but how can we make informed choices about which solutions are right for us? Within a burgeoning market for assistive technologies (a term used for products designed to promote independence […]

Parents talking algorithms

By Ranjana Das How might algorithms shape everyday practices and decisions in parenting? How do parents understand, resist or work within algorithmic systems? How do parents feel about algorithmic futures? My new book – Parents Talking Algorithms – will draw out the nuances of what happens when parents go about their everyday life making decisions […]

‘Safer Roads Through Citizen Partnerships: Enhancing Road Safety Through Improved Use of Community Speedwatch (CSW) Volunteers’

By Karen Bullock and Melissa Pepper Karen Bullock and Melissa Pepper have a long history of working independently and together to understand how volunteers and volunteering may be used to reduce crime and improve community safety. We have recently been awarded funding from the Road Safety Trust to conduct research looking at the role of […]

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