Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

Meal Planning – my experience

Students everywhere can attest to the fact that thinking about food in university can be stressful, especially if finances and nutrition govern your diet. At the university of surrey specifically, there are no catered options for accommodation, everyone, even first years, plan their own diets. In the short time that I have spent here, I […]

Internships and Holiday at the Coast!

It is a chilly July morning here in Kenya. The days are ‘dreary’ with lows of 17 degrees Celsius and highs of 25 degrees. I suppose the mood here is altogether the opposite of England at the moment where July means heat not chill. I traveled back to Kenya for the Long holiday and now […]

Island Hopping in Fiji: The Yasawas

Hello all! And welcome back. I recently returned from quite possibly my favourite travel adventure thus far, having spent a week exploring the Yasawa and Mamanuca group of islands in Fiji. Fiji has been a country I’ve always wanted to visit, and its been on my bucket list for years – helped slightly by the […]

Exploring the Bay of Plenty

Hello again! If you’re just tuning in, then welcome! For the past few posts I have been documenting my many adventures in and around Wellington. If you’d like to find out more about abandoned lighthouses and stairways to heaven , do check them out! Other than going around Wellington, though, I have also been lucky […]

In Search of Light…Houses

A few weeks back, my friends and I, bored and looking for something to do, compulsively rented a car and skeedadled on out to the Wairarapa countryside. We had heard about a couple of lighthouses on the Wairarapa coast – namely Cape Palliser and Castle Point – and that they were beautiful places to visit […]

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