Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

Exam time at Surrey… (cue dramatic music)

It’s exam time!! Ah! To be honest, the idea of coming back from a holiday and diving straight into an exam period baffles me. My brain only switched on properly at the end of last week, by which time I’d already done about five assessments. Having said that – it is the first time in […]


Hello all and Happy New Year!   I realise it might be a bit late into the month to still be saying happy new year, but it has been a while since I wrote one of these. It’s been a bit of a fumbling start to the new year. After a lovely dinner and catch […]

Winter Wonderland vs ‘Somerkersfees’

Hi there! So I was lucky enough to experience this past festive season in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere! Let me tell you – Christmas goes down very differently depending on which side of the equator you find yourself. It was my first time experiencing the ‘Christmas cheer’ of the UK. What struck me […]

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