Time to pack up the bunting… another Heritage Open Day over

This past Saturday (9th September) the Archives & Special Collections hosted an open day as part of the national Heritage Open Days events, offering a glimpse of just some of our diverse collections and a behind the scenes tour of our stores. Armed with bunting and balloons galore we had a great time decorating the outside of […]

E H Shepard in The Netherlands

Over the past few months, the Archives & Special Collections team have been busy preparing for materials from the E H Shepard Archive and The Shepard Trust Archive to be dispatched to Holland for an exhibition. Working with House of Illustration, London and The Shepard Trust, an exhibition has been mounted at Museum Huis Doorn, […]

Heritage Open Day at the Archives!

On Saturday 9th September 2017, the Archives & Special Collections team at the University of Surrey will be hosting an open day (11:00-15:00) offering a glimpse into the archives. Collections include: the University’s own institutional archive and that of its predecessor Battersea Polytechnic, a large number of dance, performing arts and movement focused archives, the E […]

A Tale of Two Charters

Another installment from our volunteer Graham, this time an insight into the University Charter… Virtually all Universities start with a Royal Charter and some of our oldest ones were approved by early monarchs such as King Henry III in 1231 who issued the Charter for Cambridge. Our University’s Charter received Royal Approval from our present […]

Meet our new volunteer, Tim!

Tim is our newest volunteer and already he has achieved a great deal! Here he gives us a glimpse into what he has been up to… I have been volunteering at the Archive for a little over a month now, and I can safely say that it has been quite a learning curve, though a […]

The Battersea Cookbook and Nanna’s Recipe for Beef Galantine

We love nothing more in the Archives than an interesting enquiry and if it involves food then so much the better. We recently had just that from a member of staff within the University, Nikki Legg, and it began with a recipe for Beef Galantine… The initial enquiry was to check the link between Battersea […]

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