Surrey Careers blog

Official blog of the University of Surrey's Employability and Careers Centre

Get connected – using LinkedIn to enhance your job search

It is estimated that 80% of people find jobs through people they know. Engaging with social media as part of your job search is a vital way to build your own network of useful people who can give you tips and ideas for breaking into the sector that interests you. These contacts may even notify […]

How to Ace A Job Interview

If you’ve been invited for a job interview, congratulations! You’ve passed the first hurdle and your application captured the company’s interest. The interview is your chance to demonstrate to the employer what you can offer their business, and that you would be the best candidate for the role. How should you prepare for your interview? Careful […]

My Professional Training experience at McLaren – by Abdullah Al-Shakarchi

“Starting in 2017, cars on the grid will be running the new generation Rain Light product I designed, viewed by millions on television with each Formula 1 event.” I spent my Professional Training placement at McLaren Applied Technologies (MAT), part of the McLaren Technology Group, and the global leader in supplying electronics for motorsport and […]

Assessment Centre Group Exercises: How to make a great impression

If you’ve recently got through the application form for a placement or graduate job and been offered a place at an assessment centre, congratulations! Assessment centres are typically made up of an interview, presentation and a group exercise, although the activities may vary. Discover our top tips below for the group exercise part of the […]

Winter Vacation: time to relax and reflect!

We’ve made it to Week 11… well done to all Surrey students for your hard work so far this semester.  As the Winter Vacation approaches, we hope that you are looking forward to taking some time out, even if you have a hectic schedule planned.  Perhaps you have a busy revision timetable, will be returning […]

Exams may be looming, but don’t forget about your career!

If you’re a final year student looking to apply to graduate level jobs, or a second year student hoping to get a placement organised for next Summer, the December period is a crucial time to get your online applications in before the upcoming deadlines. However, it can also be a time when exams and coursework […]

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