Exchange students at Surrey

An insight into life at Surrey from current exchange students

Expectations vs Reality

By Ni’ja Bradford One of the things I kept hearing most when asking people whether I should study abroad, “Do it, it’ll change your life.” Pretty bold statement, right? No matter how many blogs I read or how many people I asked some variation of that statement always came up. Safe to say I came […]


By David Vine Now that I’ve planted the travel bug in your brain, I’m sure that’s all you’ve been thinking about since you read my last entry. If it’s not, your time will come I can promise you. The worst part—maybe even the only bad part—about traveling is that it can quickly and very effectively […]

Spring Break!!!

By David Vine If you’re reading this from the United States, then you are already very familiar with the concept of spring break: that wonderful week near Easter where you get an entire week off school to go hang out by the beach—or if you’re like me, rent a cabin in the mountains—with a few […]

Entertain me please

It’s a Wednesday afternoon in the middle of March. You’re done with classes for the day. All your assignments are turned in. Life is good. Except, there’s one little problem… You’re bored out of your mind. Crazy, right? You’re in an entirely different country, you should be having the time of your life. What can […]

From your Bedroom to the Classroom

There are two activities that take up the majority of every university student’s time: going to school, and going to sleep. Making sure you have these two areas covered before you head abroad will put you in a better position to worry about the real reasons you’ve over here: meeting new people, traveling to far […]

Congratulations…. You Made it! Now What?

Okay so you have chosen Surrey to be your host university. All your papers are signed and submitted, your bags are packed, and your flight is booked. If you’re anything like I was then you are super nervous because you have no idea what to expect once you arrive. Don’t worry, I got you! Here […]